Coffeeshop Observations

Sitting in a coffeeshop on a cloudy, 65-degree day. Dad and son (maybe three years old) walk in to meet up with Mom who’s sitting at the table next to me. Her first comment, uttered with mild frustration and disbelief: “You dressed him in shorts?!” The response, slightly sheepish, but mostly defiant: “Well I’m wearing shorts …”

Of toothbrushes and toilets

My fiance Mike just told me that he dropped his toothbrush in the toilet.

Pic by Kevygee on Flickr.

I immediately asked, “Did you keep using it?”

I’m not sure what my  response says about our relationship.

Cars vs. cyclists

It’s a little bit irritating when a person with a bike sticker on their car almost runs me over (twice!) while I’m on my bike.


A few minutes ago when Mike and I were biking home, we saw this tiny dog whose testicles were literally as big as its head.

It was nuts!

Tooting your horn

Pic by wsilver on Flickr.

Yesterday William was reflecting out loud about a decision he made a while ago.

He admitted that it might not have been the smartest thing he’d ever done, but he proceeded to rationalize it with, “Well, but I can see my point.”

Hot wedding playlist

So I’m chilling in Boulder’s Ozo Coffee right now, rocking out to some sweet songs blaring over the loudspeaker.

The music selection is awful for my productivity, but it’s giving me some great inspiration: We are going to have a sweet playlist for our wedding!

Pic from Ozo website.

Waistin’ Time

So I recently had a friend (Ms. Cassy Bohnet) measure my bust, butt and waist in prep for weddin’ dress huntin’. 

Apparently my waist is 27 1/2 inches in girth. Scarlett O’Hara’s waist size was a mere 17 inches.

I’m not sure how I feel about that.

Then again, she is fictional.

And my love of dessert is not fictional.

Only in Boulder

On an early morning bike ride yesterday, I saw a woman running. And she was running fast!

Which made me think: Wow. She’s running faster of her own volition that I would be running if I was being chased by a bear.

Yup. I'd be a goner for sure. Pic by Daisyree Bakker on Flickr.

Update on New Year’s Resolutions

So I’m doing horribly on my quest to try out a new recipe once a fort night. I’m doing excellent, however, on not buying any new soap and relying entirely on my supply of hotel freebies.

What does this say about me?

I’m excellent at fulfilling goals that require minimal effort and zero money. As for things that require time, funding and research … well, there’s some room for improvement.