Breast cancer light bulbs

Mike and I thought we’d scored by buying a bunch of light bulbs overtly supporting the breast cancer cause. The bulbs were on super sale because breast cancer awareness month is October, and now it’s nearly January.

Our feelings of jubilation ended when Mike just installed one of the bulbs, which to our aggravation, shines pink!


Turns out the Grand Canyon is SUPER old!

A new study from researchers at my alma mater the University of Colorado Boulder and their friends at the California Institute of Technology just reported that previous estimates at the Grand Canyon’s age were more than 65 million years off!

Isn’t that crazy?!

Old research says the Colorado River formed the Great GC 5 or 6 million years ago.

New research says 70 million years ago.

Now, I’m not a scientist, but criminy, somebody’s data was way the heck off!

Beautiful photo by Brenn Moyen on Flickr.
Beautiful photo by Brenn Moyen on Flickr.

How I know my husband loves me … sort of

Because I have a bunch of work to finish up tonight, Mike, my wonderful husband, is making me dinner.

We’re having Mac ‘N Cheese ‘N Peas, one of my favorite dishes (seriously, no sarcasm).

“How many peas do you want?” he asked.

“Ummm, 167,” I said in true smart-alec form.

“OK,” he replied and began counting.

That’s how much he loves me.

But then he got bored and said, “If you want me to count your peas, you’re not going to get very many peas.”


And I’m pretty sure he loves me a whole lot, just not 167 individual peas worth.

Time limits

Another coffee shop day.

On this occasion, a dad, mom and their two kiddos (the boy likely three, the girl obviously just started walking) walk into the shop. The little girl starts tottering around and the pacifier drops out of her mouth.

“Ooops, 30-second rule!” the dad hollers.

Obviously, this is his second kid.

Peas please

Our kitchen is small.

Small enough that when I pulled a bowl of peas out of the toaster oven and turned around to put them on my plate that I inadvertently ran the bowl into a wall, thus sending little green balls rolling across the kitchen floor.



The other day, Mike and I were riding our bikes when a guy carrying a long stick carelessly walked out in front of him.

Thankfully, Mike has cat-like reflexes and was able to deftly swerve and miss the pedestrian.

Despite the catastrophe’s avoidance, Mike was about to verbalize his considerable irritation in this man’s direction, when he realized what the guy’s stick was for.

He was blind.


My theory of relativity

I was super pissed this morning when a squirrel ran out in front of me while I was on my bike.

“You wretched little animal!” I thought. “You almost made me crash!”

Now that I’ve had most of the day to think about it and consider the fact that I almost squished, flattened and killed that little squirrel, I’ve come to the conclusion that he was probably a whole lot more pissed about our encounter than I was.

And perhaps rightly so.

Coffeeshop Observations

Sitting in a coffeeshop on a cloudy, 65-degree day. Dad and son (maybe three years old) walk in to meet up with Mom who’s sitting at the table next to me. Her first comment, uttered with mild frustration and disbelief: “You dressed him in shorts?!” The response, slightly sheepish, but mostly defiant: “Well I’m wearing shorts …”